Saturday, April 24, 2010

Update about husband

A very brief update as I am in the middle of baking pizza and Jan Arne is unavailable = watching a ManU match on his laptop.

I went to get Jan Arne home from the hospital on Friday. The nurse wanted to show me how to flush the drain that is now attached to his bile duct/gall bladder (not sure where it is) but he has in fact done it himself. It didn't get clear to me what they had actually done as the doctor we saw had not done the operation. Nor do I know why the external drain instead of internal stent but a wild guess is that as they don't know the reason for the stricture maybe the drain is a safer solution? It is permanent, at least temporarily :) But the main thing is that the bilirubin levels had gone down already on Friday so the solution seems to be working.

Jan Arne is fine except the site they operated on is quite sore whenever he tries to do anything that requires stomach muscles. So walking or sitting down or getting up from bed or getting down to bed to lie down is not that easy, which is unfortunate as all that is quite a big part of life :) But he's doing ok. Enough to watch football anyway. (soon he will not allow me to write these blog entries).

Next step: blood tests on Monday and a dose of Erbitux on Tuesday if the blood tests allow.


Unknown said...

You are in my prayer :) not just Jan, but the whole family. Jesus said that if I have a faith only a size of mustard seed, I can move the mountains. And I do believe that I have that faith, so I will ask for His healing touch for Jan. I don't know what He is going to do, but I do know that He love Jan and you and your two boys very much, so I believe that all that has happened, are happening, and will happen in the future, will be for the good of you all.

I miss you all and I love you all!!!

Jack :) from Thailand

Wifey said...

Thanks Jack, you are a piece of gold :) We wish all the best for you and your family too! And in case I don't remeber again in a bit more than a month: happy birthday ;D