Thursday, August 26, 2010

In the woods

I had my first dose of Gemzar today and I am experiencing a slight chemobrain. I had almost forgotten how it feels like since last I had it was with Camptosar back in April. The wife and I celebrated the first dose by having some lunch downtown. When I came home I went straight to bed and slept for two hours. Another reason for feeling tired may be staying up late last night to watch Copenhagen - Rosenborg (football). Copenhagen won and was by far the better team (congratulations Denmark!).

I've recently been going to the woods with a map and a compass. There are these weekly orienteering events open for everyone that I've joined a couple of times (iltarastit in Finnish). I've had a two years break from orienteering and it feels fantastic to fly through the woods again. Well, flying was a bit of an overstatement. I walk part of the time as I'm not that fit anymore. I hope to go for the third time next week.

I also played a round of golf with a friend the other day. I haven't played much the recent years so my swing is pretty rusty. But actually it doesn't really matter anymore. It was great fun anyway!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My wife taught me how to golf years ago :) and I have never really learned to better it :) but we enjoyed spending time outdoor together

The scence, the nature, the wildlife all the sudden become really, shall I say, charming and drawing and very interesting ... :)

It is so strange that the feeling like that always happens when I have five doulble bogeys in a roll :)

But well, just one birdie of a 110 round will bring you back right out :)

P.S. Almost got an award for being such a generous donor filling up the land next to the lake with my golf ballssssssss :)