Saturday, June 5, 2010

Out and in of hospital

Wife here for a change as the patient himself is so busy. Jan Arne got out of the hospital a bit more than a week ago and has been slowly getting better. He's been tired because of the infection and the antibiotics but now finally the blood values are more or less ok, except a couple of the liver values. He's been well enough to even look after the kids while I have been at work, just regular father-sons action, going out for hamburgers and new water guns (or water bazookas more like). Now they have been visiting the grandparents here in Finland for two days.

The oncologists (cancer doctors) had discussed Jan Arne's case in their meeting last week and the conclusion seems to be that first of all the bile duct stent & drain solution needs to be changed to an internal stent without drain so that the risk of infections would be smaller. When that is done and if all goes well (and no new infections) they will try another treatment with another antibody medicine called Vectibix. It's a similar medicine than Erbitux which Jan Arne has been receiving for a year now, but somehow slightly different and can be used alone without a chemo. The cancer seems to be getting active again so the doctors apparently want to change the medication because they think that the previous treatment no longer works. So not really the best of news this time but let's see how the ERCP (method of installing the stent) goes on Monday and then keep all the thumbs up and fingers crossed or whatever method you want to use for wishing that they can start with Vectibix and that it will work.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You guys know I am not a doctor (which maybe a good thing :)), but I can pray and have been praying for you guys.

But I found this when reading the Bible this morning ...

Psalm 55:
16 But I call to God, and the LORD saves me.

17 Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.

22 Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.

So, on Monday Tampere time, I will pray for Jan in the morning, noon, and evening that the ERCP will go well. And I will pray for you too, Marjo, that God will grant you one of the best BDs you have ever had for all you have done for the family!!

Be Strong Jan!! & Happy Birth Day! Marjo !! {^O^}