Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hospital for a change

Jan Arne has been feeling quite bad for a couple of days, even less appetite and nauseous on Friday, and since yesterday throwing up. We agreed this morning he'd better go to the hospital for a checkup. I took him to the first aid unit and they said he should stay there and at least get some IV fluids and blood tests done. They told me to go home. Not much space in the hospital I guess...

I have not managed to talk to him much after that (bad reception etc.) but it seems they will at least replace the stent in the bile ducts tomorrow, it may be causing the nausea if the bile ducts are blocked and the liver values are off. The procedure is called ERCP and when they did it last June it was a pretty bad experience for Jan Arne so I told him to demand they'll do it under general anaesthetics. Let's hope they will agree to that and it'll go well, and that it will relieve the nausea. I'd be so happy to see him get his appetite back!

The rest of the day I have been transporting the kids to here and there, friends and friend's birthday party. The younger one is talking a lot about death recently, like "let's go to that good pasta restaurant again, I guess dad won't be able to join because he will be dead". The older one seems to be quite unhappy about the prospect of being a family of three only, it'll be boring to be just three he says. But other than that they are normal energetic happy kids... Let's hope we will be a family of four for quite a while longer.


Unknown said...

We were praying for Jan Arne at our church group and at our Bible Study group today for a family of four and for a long long time...

Do you think Espen and Tomas know that God is watching over their dad?

I really do want to give all of you a hug right now. I pray for better days ahead. Be strong as you have always been and know that all your friends are with you ..

We love you very much!! Tell Jan Arne I said Hi !!

Wifey said...

Thanks again Jack! You are such a sweetie :). I am not the best choice to explain about God to the kids but luckily they at least go to Sunday school...