Tuesday, January 11, 2011

At home

Jan Arne is at home finally! The blood test in the morning showed the infection value was going down so the doctor said he can go home. I was at work so he took a taxi home and I met him when I had picked up the kids from daycare. Jan Arne had even had some energy to clean up a bit (to finish up what I didn't have energy to clean up at weekend...) but he is still tired, some nausea, stomach pains, no appetite, some fever at times... But at least he is at home.


johman said...

Glad you're at home Jan Arne (sometimes the only place to be..) From reading the january blog you've had a tough start to the new year. Pray and hope this will change soon. Glad you have a person such as Marjo at your side through this difficult period. Take strength from one another and from all those thinking of you.
Big hug from Johan and family.

Juha said...

Article in Kauppalehti about Docrates-clinic and their virus-treatments (in Finnish): http://www.kauppalehti.fi/5/i/yritykset/yritysuutiset/?oid=20110154473&ext=ltr
Jan Arne, we really hope it works for you! Regards, -Juha & co

Unknown said...

Welcome Home !!! Jan Arne :)

Hope you are now sitting up drinking hot cocoa and a handful of warm-melt-in-the-mouth 'Splitz' :)

We has a fair share of the snow this week! Our neighborhood has about 8 inches of snow!! Whoo..HooO..

My wife and I built a 6 feet 'Frosty' in front of our house!! :)

Well, for a couple from Thailand who live in the southeastern part of US, 8" is pretty exciting :) but I am sure that you guys maybe in a 2 to 3 feet deep of snow right now :)

Keep warm and eat a lot of chocolate!! I am lobbying for Chocolate to be classified as the 6th Food Group so that I can eat them everyday!!! :)