Wednesday, September 15, 2010


It seems I forgot to update the blog after the doctor's appointment last week. Well, there isn't that much of news really. The blood values were good and the doctor put me back on the Gemzar/Vectibix treatment. They also took the CEA which was 730,6. This is roughly the same level as in August when it was 733,6. It seems Gemzar unfortunately gives me some trouble. This time I had a chemo brain on Thursday and Friday (which isn't that bad really) but felt totally crap on Saturday and Sunday. Monday I was fine again. I managed to join the family for circus during the day on Saturday so I wasn't totally out of it either. I have to admit I've had some thoughts if it's worth getting Gemzar as I'm supposed to be getting it three weeks in a row and then there is only one week of break. Next CT scan is in November so I guess I have to try and manage until then.


Unknown said...

Jan Arne - we are really hoping that you can get the treatment you need without getting too tired and sick to keep up with your boys! Sad we didn't get to meet up with you this summer. Maybe in "Kludrebukk"-World next summer?

Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!! Hooo rayyy !!

I pray God's many blessings for you {^O^}, that His love and mercy will be upon you, that His peace will be with you, that His wisdom will be with all the doctors and nurses, that His strength and comfort will reside in you, and that you can feel His presence in your life ...

May He bless you with good health and less tests and let you enjoy your birthday party!!!!

either a delicious IKEA's or Marjo's

Wifey, what's cookin'?? ; )