Friday, August 13, 2010

Good and bad news

The doctor had both bad and good news to share about the CT scan report. To take the good news first, the tumours in the liver had shrunk. The measure of the biggest tumor is now 2,7 x 3,8 cm while it was 3,6 x 6,1 cm in the April CT scan. Quite a big change actually. Also on the positive side was the fact that CEA had gone down to 733,6. It was 829,6 on 2nd of June. The bad news was that there is cancer growth outside of the liver. Many lymph nodes around the liver have grown in size and some small tumours (2-3 mm in diameter) can also be seen on both side of the lungs.

We don't know if the cancer started to grow before or after I started on Vectibix. Since the CEA value decreased since June, it is possible that the growth happened during the (unintended, because of bile duct trouble) chemo break in April/May and that Vectibix has had an effect and reduced the cancer. In any case, the doctor recommended I would continue on Vectibix, then they will check the CEA value again in a month, and take another CT scan in two months.

Funnily enough, I left the doctor's office with a positive feeling. I had expected worse news, but now I choose to belive Vectibix is working. Anyhow, times are uncertain.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WooOoOoo HUuUuuuuOoooOo {^O^}

I am happy to hear that you have 'peace' and are being positive about this !!!

And of course, the smaller size of Mr Big is a good reason to smile too !! How about his cousins? are they all getting smaller too?

Thank you much for the update, go out and celebrate!! I will wait to hear more good news from the next CT scan. Two months, right? I will be praying :)
